Please note that the above experience is not typical and people change to ppc from palm every day without problems.
I have been experimenting with and thinking about and reading about this exact topic for a while. I even started a thread here named "PocketPC and Outlook Projects as what?" that got one reply. Well two replies but one was mine.
I am using Microsoft PocketPC Version 4.20. I am using Outlook 2003. I am using ActiveSync 4.2.0. You can download the latest version of ActiveSync from the Microsoft site. You are not limited to the version that comes on the CD with your device. And I am using Windows XP Professional.
And I am using the following software purchased through
Sbp Backup
Sbp Pocket Plus
Sbp Time
Pocket Informant
Pocket Informant Square Icon Set
Pocket 15C SE Scientific Calculator
MLO PocketPC
Journal Sync
I can link contacts to contacts on the on the PPC. I can link contacts to contacts in Outlook on my desktop. The problem is that contact to contact links do not ActiveSync either way.
I can create joural entries linked to contacts on the PPC. I can create journal entries linked contacts in Outlook on my desktop. The problem is that contact to contact links do not ActiveSync either way. The great thing is that you can purchase software named Journal Sync that will provide for ActiveSync of journal entries both ways. This is fantastic for me.
The good news: You can create categories on the PPC and in Outlook and link contacts to those categories. Those links ActiveSync both ways. This is wonderful. Outlook allows you to view all your contacts in a view that is grouped by category. This shows all the categories with the contacts under them. If a contact has multiple categories checked, that contact is shown under each of those categories even thought there is only one actual contact. On the PPC, you go to contacts, and then you filter based on a category or multiple categories, and then only the contacts associated with that category, or those categories, show on the screen. You do not see any others. A little different on the different devices, but workable.
I have my customer names as categories with their correct name, so when I email those contacts around the office those customer names are not strange, and I have my projects as "00 project name" so that my projects sort to the top when you press the Outlook [Categories...] button on the for contacts and journal entries forms.
Right now this is all I am doing and it works for me. I do not know yet about appointments or documents. I would think we will find that a PPC PROJECTS AS CATEGORIES setup will have several limitations over the desktop projects as contacts, but I am not there yet.
Another thing. The PPC does not see, and I think the Blackberry also does not see, contact folders created on my laptop Outlook other than the main one.
Another thing. I contacted the developer of Pocket Informant and Journal Sync (the same developer makes both products). They are coming out with an upgrade to Pocket Informant and they did not know yet if they where going to include Journal Sync in that upgrade. But they also told me that they are not working on a contact sync program like the Journal Sync program to handle the contact/contact link situation. And I have not found another developer who has or will have this. Darn.