Re-posted: A GTD 'GPS'



"Coordinates" are simply "Route Directions" usually for: Appointments, Errands, Groceries, Meetings, etc.

All (Any direction: ATM's, Chain-Stores, Gas, ect.), NE = Northeast, NW = Northwest, SE = Southeast, SW = Southwest

However, instead of using One List with random placements or five list, instead, I use my 'least desirable/worst' Clipboard [in case its gets lost] for Landscape Copy Paper and not real 'important' Support Materials.

How Used:
On the Landscape Copy Sheet, I draw a 'chunky' 1/5 Box in the Middle of the Copy Sheet for "All" without needing to note as "All" since it will be self-evident.

Then Two Horizontal Lines and Two Vertical lines are drawn from Outside the "All Box" to the edge of the Paper and Each of those four sections self-evidently are the Coordinates: NE, NW, SE, SW

Then as I go about 'GTD Living', things that are done away from home are simply added to either "All" or to one of the Four Coordinates.

Also, if one wishes to go "High-Tech" then one could also use Five Over-Sized Post-It for leaving the Clip-Board, say in the car, as a portable list and for perhaps 'easier' refresh during Weekly Review
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