You asked for feedback...
you asked for feedback, and I'm going to give it. Your overall concept (gtd via folders) is interesting, and the strong workflow orientation, combined with manual options for most procedures, is good. You have obviously spent much time and effort on Ready-Set-Do. I have a few comments:
1) Make sure your web site url is prominently featured in your documentation.
2) The voice must have a global option to be turned off.
3) The quicktime is nice, but most people want searchable documentation.
4) The projects interface is too cumbersome for rapid use. I tried entering one little project, and I was tired and quit before I got through the script. I know that the GTD book has all kinds of useful ways to think about outcome vision, project standards, et cetera, but when you have to update a spreadsheet with more data and send it back, you just want to get it done, and not meditate on its connection to your life and philosophy.
5) Putting all that information on projects and next actions into folder metadata ties you to the OS X file structure, in comparison to folder and text file implementations. If I rsync these files to a unix/linux box, what happens to the metadata? While I have the vague recollection that Apple has hooks in, e.g., Applescript, to get and put file metadata, that's not why I switched to macs. I have no real interest in learning Applescript, as compared to, say, Ruby. Most users will be clueless about the technical consequences of the design choice, and unable to do much with the data.
6) I think there is also a potential problem with mixing actions and data: I gather that you might put next action metadata in a spreadsheet file. I don't want that file to get accidentally labeled as done when I am in fact not done with it, because all of the project next actions may involve it.
7) As I was writing this, I wanted to go back and confirm the behavior of one of the scripts. I had already dragged everything out of my doc, and I looked into the "Your Desktop Items" folder. To my surprise, both the zip file and the unzipped file were gone. It's bad enough that you swept my desktop folders into a sub-folder without telling me first, but now I have two choices: a) root out your files without your documentation, or b) download the absurdly bloated 85 Mb zip file again. But I do thank you for including the manual install info, so I can do a manual de-install.
It may seem to you that I am being harsh. I would bet that you developed strong manual habits before you developed all the workflow scripts, and don't really need to use them, especially when you are in a hurry. Your system works well for you, and you want it to work well for others. Feedback from people who have tried to use it, had issues, and tell you about it, are your allies.