REALLY analyzing your time - Manic Time

I do not know about you, but I am a very analytical person and really love very granular data. On my quest to implement GTD for myself, I came across a very cool open source tool called Manic Time (I am not sure if I can post a link here yet since I only have a few posts, but here goes:

If that does not work, it is just manictime with the www and dot com around it!)

It records every bit of your computer activity and tells you how much time you spent on what application (is based on ACTIVE applications, so you can have many programs open, but it calculates the time spent actually working in it) and then breaks that down by actual website, document, file, etc. that you have worked on in that program. It also compares the time spent over any given time frame. So now you can see, wow did I really spend 57% of my day in Skype? But I am only replying here and there to IM's - that stuff really adds up (I do not spend that much time on Skype, but you get the point).

It is very easy to use and you can also a button called "off the record" if you want to privately work on certain things...

I use RescueTime for this. It also lets you set goals (i.e. less than four hours of Twitter each week) and alerts you as soon as you come close to hitting the goal, and has a productivity mode where it will block all sites that you deem Very Distracting (it auto-populates this list, though you can modify it) for a set period of time.
Looks like interesting SW if you are on a Windows machine but this brings up a minor rant.

I wish software companies would put on the first page or top level what operating systems their stuff runs on. I need to filter by operating system quickly and companies make it hard to figure out.
Oogiem;70590 said:
Looks like interesting SW if you are on a Windows machine but this brings up a minor rant.

I wish software companies would put on the first page or top level what operating systems their stuff runs on. I need to filter by operating system quickly and companies make it hard to figure out.

:) I could not agree with you more!


I've view the site Mike. So interesting, same with you, I want to monitor my working hours. And from the tutorial, it's easy to understand and the application is so simple and precise. And yes, it's easy to use. I'll probably download that application.

Anyway thanks for sharing that to us.:D