Recommended Electronic Way to Use GTD?

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Joe Bryant

Hi Folks (realizing this might be the correct forum for this),

Sorry if this is a dumb question but after scanning the boards, I'm still not clear.

I'm a casual ACT! user ready to make the PDA jump. I'd prefer to start off in the "right" direction and avoid a mid stream jump down the road if possible.

My question (and yes, I realize it's loaded): Is there a "recommended" electronic method for implementing the GTD system both desktop and PDA?

I see the Outlook Add In product on the site. Does that mean most folks use Outlook on their desktop to implement GTD? I love the customer contact record keeping with ACT and being able to log what I told the customer last time we spoke (taking it off the mental RAM) But I don't know that running both ACT! for customer notes and Outlook for managing tasks is the right answer.

And then when it comes to a PDA, that's another issue. Palm or Pocket PC? If I stay with ACT, that means Palm. But I'm wondering if the Pocket PC / Pocket Outlook isn't a better way to go if Outlook is the way I handle things on the desktop.

Any insights are much appreciated and apologies in advance for the basic question. Thanks.

In terms of PocketPC vs Palm, that pretty much comes down to personal preference. FWIW, I used a PocketPC for over a year, and ultimately tossed it in favor of a Palm. Reasons: stability woes and paltry productivity-related software. You might want to check out the GTD groups at Yahoo- one for PocketPC and another for Palm. Run a search for GTD at the groups home page.

As regards paper vs device, I find that I'm much more consistent with the PDA. First, there's a fun factor involved, which inherently encourages me to carry it with me wherever I go, which means I have **ONE** thingie with me, which means I use it, which means I can always FIND stuff when needed (my PostIt notes had feet!!). Second, I no longer hassle with the sloppiness coerced when moving an uncompleted item from one day to the next; or spend time re-entering annual dates year after year. Third, I can answer virtually any Q within a matter of seconds. Examples:

-- free time this month = one-glance at icon-driven month view, as the icons immediately tell me the nature of the whatever on a given day (desk/in-office appointment vs phone/series of calls to be made on a given day vs lamp/research required vs car/be somewhere that day.

-- due dates whether today, next week, this week, within 10 days, etc, at one glance

-- EASY movement of, say, a someday/maybe item from that list to an active project list

-- auto-logging of what was done when

The list goes on and on. Suggestion: go to a local, say, Circuit City store, and literally play around with a few models on display. If you get one, you'll have 2-4 weeks as a trial, as they have a no-Qs asked return policy. Be conscious of size-- no one wants to carry a brick everywhere. Personally, I like keyboard-based PDAs. You may prefer one without a keyboard. No one can tell you what's best for YOU. So try, have fun, and perhaps check out software reviews at various spots.

Finally, don't think for one minute that because a PocketPC has the MS OS that it will be a better fit for your MS desktop programs. Outlook and other MS apps are frequently better accommodated on the competitor's platform.