Recording of the July 2023 Office Hour meeting


Staff member
In this GTD office hour, we discussed a variety of topics. We gave special attention to structure. How much do you need to get your projects and actions off your mind? How much becomes too much so that you find your system takes too much effort to maintain? It's entirely individual, and may change for you as your areas of focus change.


I listened to this yesterday and as usual thoroughly enjoyed it. Sebastian’s question about engaging with projects really resonated with me. In fact I was lost in thought following that question as it triggered a whole new way of thinking for me. I have two separate GTD systems due to various security reasons for work. Following Sebastian’s question I realised that I wasn’t engaging with my work at any higher level than L1 - Projects. So I spent some time later in the day thinking about how my projects are linked to my horizons of focus for work. Now they are all linked to an Area of Focus. I’m now working on my L3 Objectives for work and will continue to work upwards. Does anyone know Sebastian’s GTD Connect name/link? I would like to thank him for triggering this development for me in my system.