Recovering Deleted Tasks (next actions, projects)


I am using MicroSoft Outlook Tasks to handle my projects and next actions. Sometimes I want to recover one of the deleted tasks. Is it possible to do this?

If you marked the task "complete," you can find the task and mark it "not started" again. On the other hand, if you deleted it, I don't have an answer...but someone else may.

Since I synch with a Palm, sometimes if I make that mistake, I change the task on my Palm, where it's not deleted, and then synch to recover the task I deleted on my laptop and want to get back. (or vice versa).
If the Deleted Items folder has not been emptied, then you can find it there and move it back to the tasks folder.

If it has been emptied, then you may still be able to recover it using some data recovery tools.
Thanks -- I followed your leads and discovered that deleted tasks are put into the same folder as deleted mail: Deleted Items.