Recurring Appointments in Outlook

Can anyone suggest how to see each date for a recurring appointment under the appointments section of GTD for Outlook? Thank you.
When I open up a recurring item, it shows the range like this:

Are you looking for something different than that?


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Recurring Appointments in Outlook

I'm sorry; I was not clear. I set up a recurring appointment in Outlook. When I go to Project Central and view the appointment, I only see the first date, not all of them. I need to print a report that will show all the dates of the recurring appointment/event.
Thank you.
OK, I think I get your question. You're trying to see recurring appointments through the Project View in the GTD® Outlook® Add-In by Netcentrics? How are you seeing any appointments through Project Central view? My understanding is that view is for Projects and Subprojects only.

Sorry... I might be confusing your question more than helping you!

It would be a good improvement for Project Central to have all appointments in the recurring series show in reports, not just the first date.
The Netcentrics team does often scan these public forums too. But in case they didn't see your note, I passed it along to them. They responded with:

we’ll incorporate this into a list of potential features for a new version.