Hello - I am new to GTD and I am still fuzzy on how to setup my workflow. I have several clients, for which I do monthly recurring tasks. I want to be able to plan for and check off that I have completed these tasks. I happen to be using OmniFocus which probably isn't completely relevant to understanding the process. According to a reference article in OmniFocus, I set up Folders for each client, then I started putting the monthly tasks under Projects in the Projects folder, but after reading and listening to GTD videos I recall at one point that it was said to use context lists for actions and not projects. So now I am very confused. If someone could help guide me to where I can figure out where I have gone wrong or where I need to relearn I would greatly appreciate it. My biggest fear is losing track of all those tasks and I am not feeling secure in making the full leap to rely on a different system. Thank you in advance.