Remember the milk users - How do you create contexts?

I recently just got a pro account on remember the milk and synced my blackberry to it. I noticed that it took my categories on my tasks which I use for contexts and created lists from those contexts. As I use the program I have noticed that rmilk has tags in addition to lists. What is the difference?

How do you list contexts in rmilk?
I think there's probably several ways, depending on how many contexts/projects/etc you've got. I use tags for context, so I can create a Smart List that holds just those tagged items.

I also use tags for other things too, depending on what's in my lists: sometimes I'll use it to drag out a @Today list, or @Agenda, or something else. It's very flexible, so you can do with it what you want.
I've been using RTM and the BlackBerry sync for about six months now. There are a few limitations (listed here: that you might want to be aware of before setting up your own system.


2. Which task properties will not be synchronized when using MilkSync for BlackBerry?

BlackBerry does not support the following task properties, so they will not appear on your device when syncing with RTM: tags, time estimate, location, URL, and sharing information. In addition, BlackBerry does not support filtering by Smart List.

That said, I think you can probably work around the limitations and the sync has been very reliable for me.

ChrisTrauzzi;68838 said:
I've been using RTM and the BlackBerry sync for about six months now. There are a few limitations (listed here: that you might want to be aware of before setting up your own system.


That said, I think you can probably work around the limitations and the sync has been very reliable for me.

Thank you Chris. That gives me my answer. Too bad BBsync doesn't support tags. My phone is up for upgrade in August and it might be time to find a different smartphone. Maybe one with windows mobile.