Remind myself to edit meeting minutes in word

Hi all,

I'm wondering if you can give me advice on where to remind myself to complete meeting minutes? I'm an exec. assist. and have at least 3 meetings a month that I need to finalize minutes for. I've tried putting them on my calendar to remind me, but since they are not "on fire" I tend to ignore the reminders repeatedly. The meeting minutes are there in draft form - i just need to go into the word document and edit them before emailing them to the group. What do you guys suggest?

Hi Virginia. I agree with Folke. Your meeting minutes to complete should not be in your Calendar because they are really not attached to a date or a time. That is the reason why you are constantly postponing them.

I would create a fancy name for the actions such as : MINUTES TO COMPLETE (or if you want to go further : MINUTES IN THE OVEN !) in caps, and place them in your Office folder, or the folder you see every day at the office ... Therefore, you will see them every day there and you can decide, everyday, which is the right moment to complete the action that, based on your comments, is not too much. Then, think of a good day as a day when, at the end of it, there are no MINUTES IN THE OVEN ! ...

By doing this, you will create the routine to pay attention to those Minutes that are taking space in your brain, as to bring the issue here ! ...

Hope this work for you !
virginiawangwolf said:
I'm wondering if you can give me advice on where to remind myself to complete meeting minutes? I'm an exec. assist. and have at least 3 meetings a month that I need to finalize minutes for. I've tried putting them on my calendar to remind me, but since they are not "on fire" I tend to ignore the reminders repeatedly. The meeting minutes are there in draft form - i just need to go into the word document and edit them before emailing them to the group. What do you guys suggest?

Make it a part of a meeting. Stay in the meeting room 20 minutes longer and edit minutes on the spot. Send them and you're done. No need for any reminders. Call it "The 20-Minute rule". ;-)
TesTeq offers great advice. I've been taking meeting notes by hand but try to type them up into Evernote right after the meeting or as soon as possible. My handwriting is so poor, I sometimes don't remember what I meant if I put it off.
I'd dump the notes into my inbox. Then when I process them depending on the time I might just do them then or put an item on my actions lists to finish them.

However, the secretary for an asociation I am in sends out the meeting minutes by e-mail within half an hour of the close of a meeting. He does it like TesTeq suggests and just stays there for the extra 10 minutes or so it takes to complete the notes and sends them out. It's great because we get them by the time we get home and can review and e-mail right back whether there are any things missing or corrections or additions. Since our meetings are often discussing legal issues with our water it's good to have the quick feedback..
Another thing that I hope gets done in your meetings and can really help with the minutes is to review all Next Actions prior to the end of the meeting. That way you have your outline pretty much ready with who is going to do what by when. If that is not part of your agenda (I do it right before scheduling/confirming the next meeting) then you should put it on or ask the meeting leader to add it.