Road to Black Belt - Your Attention


Thanks for a great webinar yesterday! I'm particularly grateful for the black belt series, as the discussions are more "advanced" and most all other content is aimed at beginners. Personally, I would welcome even greater challenges for growing in my GTD practice. Like really looking at higher horizons and practise the art of saying no to things that are off-purpose, so to speak.

Anyway, looking forward to the next instalment of black belt webinars :)



Great webinar

I agree, this was a FANTASTIC webinar! All of the black belt's have been so wonderful--I do hope you'll continue the series.


Kelly | GTD expert

Saying "No" could be a really interesting topic on its own. So would even more on developing the higher levels in a workshop style to flesh those out even more.

Keep the ideas coming...



I can never get enough on managing projects so I'd like more of that in the Black Belt series. I'm still anxiously awaiting the launch of your product around projects. November? My budget for the year is getting tighter and tighter...please hurry.


Kelly | GTD expert
Yes Barb! I just signed off on the final packaging. We're shooting for a mid-November release. It's called "GTD - Managing Projects" and will be a 6 CD set. I'm really proud of how it came out. Lots of great coaching advice from David Allen, Meg Edwards & Marian Bateman.


Beginner's Mind

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few."
-- Shunryu Suzuki



kelstarrising;83356 said:
Yes Barb! I just signed off on the final packaging. We're shooting for a mid-November release. It's called "GTD - Managing Projects" and will be a 6 CD set. I'm really proud of how it came out. Lots of great coaching advice from David Allen, Meg Edwards & Marian Bateman.

I think I'll buy it and tell my husband that's what he got me for my birthday. ;)


Saying "No"

kelstarrising;83350 said:
Saying "No" could be a really interesting topic on its own.

Keep the ideas coming...

I agree that saying "No" would be a good subject for the Road to Black Belt series - not only why to say "No" (you have captured and processed a complete inventory of Next Actions and Projects so the new request can be compared to existing commitments), but also how to say "No" (diplomatically, Someday/Maybe) and what happens when you say "No" (margins, and psychic clear space, appear in your life).

In the Attention webinar, I appreciated the gritty personal details from both you, Kelly, and Meg. Real, on-the-front-lines stuff that eliminates some of that feeling that each of us are alone. We are all alone in this ... together.

Bill Henry
Honolulu, HI

Nutrition Dude

bhenry86;83362 said:
I agree that saying "No" would be a good subject for the Road to Black Belt series - not only why to say "No" (you have captured and processed a complete inventory of Next Actions and Projects so the new request can be compared to existing commitments), but also how to say "No" (diplomatically, Someday/Maybe) and what happens when you say "No" (margins, and psychic clear space, appear in your life).

In the Attention webinar, I appreciated the gritty personal details from both you, Kelly, and Meg. Real, on-the-front-lines stuff that eliminates some of that feeling that each of us are alone. We are all alone in this ... together.

Bill Henry
Honolulu, HI

Most of the people I have met, and I include myself, fail to say no not because they are not organised or systematically in a position to be able to say no but from another pressure that is acting upon them.

My own inability to say know has its root in the fact i dont feel I can say no - usually that feeling comes from 2 roots: either the pressure is an excess of negative consequences I feel will result from saying no - eg, loss of job, loss of self image, loss of reputation and such like; and then because I really can't say no - which may actually just be that I feel I cant say no but to me it feels like no is not an option.

I found that once I identified why I was failing to say no I was well on the way to being able to.

As for delivering the no, thats a personal thing, but my approach has been to first get information on what is being asked in more detail, show an interest in the item; which helps the person asking feel valued and helps me truely decide whether i can do it.
referall: Les can you take a new client?
well I am pretty busy, what do they need?
referall: its a lactose intolerant preganant lady with stage 3 kidney disease,
I am really sorry I havent got the time to give her the attention she needs I am going to have to pass

is a lot better than - sorry I am way to busy right now - but also it could have been
referall: Les can you take a new client?
well I am pretty busy, what do they need?
referall: simple diabetes blood glucose control client
Send over the details and if its simple I can handle em no problem

Again better than a no because I could actually do a simple client ... of course without knowing where I was up to and being organised I couldnt know my ability to take anyone on and could easily turn work away, or take work on and not do my best job which is bad for my reputation.

Although I bet the David Co coaches know how to deliver a no gracefully and could coach on it - not sure its in the GTD remit per se though


Kelly | GTD expert
Although I bet the David Co coaches know how to deliver a no gracefully and could coach on it - not sure its in the GTD remit per se though
The perspective we would have on saying no, is knowing what you've said "yes" to. We'd also tie in the Threefold Nature and Horizons of Focus models too.

Bill--thanks for appreciating the "grittyness"!


Another great webinar

Enjoyed it tremendously. I was coming back from a trip and listened to it on my laptop which was sitting on the passenger seat, using my cellphone as a modem over bluetooth. Amazingly, I never lost signal! I did not type any comments into the box, but I did write a few things on a pad for the mindsweep......;)