Well, I admit that almost nothing is on autopilot in my work or play life; I have not followed routines in years. You might say that my routine is to flutter around, dealing with crises and then land to try to urgently catch up with the stuff that most people do regularly. So my interesting projects, where I can use my creativity and insight get pushed aside for these crises projects. I was just thinking that I might be less routine avoidant if I had a better feeling for what the normative range is--is their some minimum, in either hours or actions that most people are doing routine things? I am feeling I better start on a long term adaptation to reality in regard to routines. I have read for example for successful writers and academics write a minimum of a good page per day or as much as 1000 words. In contrast, "binge" writers may write more at the end of a year's time but they are not as successful. Stands to reason. So, my question is, what proportion of one'swork day or week is following routines? What about, one's play time?