RSS now includes member-only posts

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to give you a heads up that the RSS feed for the Davidco Forums will now show some items marked with "Members-only" in the prefix. These are forum posts in our GTD Connect forums, so if you're not a member of Connect, please understand that this is why you can not read the whole thread.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to explain why we needed to include these posts in the general forum RSS.

Up until now, our GTD Connect members have not been able to use a news reader to see the latest conversations. Because of compatibility issues between various news readers out there (as you may know, there are tons of them available nowadays), and because they do not necessarily support authentication, we needed to make the exclusive RSS feeds available to anyone. So that's why some "Members-only" posts will be showing up in your readers.

Thanks for your understanding, and of course if you have any questions feel free to email us directly.

The Davidco Team