Saying Thanks!



Would you like to say "Thanks, David and team, for the difference GTD is making" in your work/life?

I know I've really appreciated the book, this site, and the principles I'm learning.

My tranquility about the 260 items on my Tasks list has dramatically improved since I've begun implementing the GTD approach!

Thanks, folks! :D


I find it surprising that so many of us have received help using GTD and yet none of us have responded to this post to say thank you to the folks at David Allen Company for their outstanding work and insight.

Hmm... :cry:


saying thanks

I fully endorse the comments being made. GTD has unquestionably brought a sense of calm and confidence .David's newsletter continually provides fresh insights and posting board responses maintain focus and motivation for applying and improving GTD working practices.Jason's regular responses reaffirm and support practice of GTD.The material made available is very generous and much appreciated.



Same here --DITTO ! :D

I can honestly say that GTD changed my life for the better.
I wouldn't think of living without a waiting for list etc etc. --it just becomes part of the way you think .

( I think this is a really busy time for lot's of people right now ; )

Maybe more people will respond after the holidays etc.

Jason Womack

Re: saying thanks

Ray said:
Jason's regular responses reaffirm and support practice of GTD.

....aaahhhh, geezze, thanks!

It's so neat to know that anyone, anywhere can tap into our "stuff" and benefit from it. With David's books and the GTD Fast out there, more and more people are "finding" us. I acknowledge all of you for sticking to it, and making things up, and making them happen.

I've realized that this training, this material, this information is not for the light-hearted. There is something magical/mysterious to "successful outcome" thinking!

Happy, Happy New Year...

...and, of course, comments can always go to us at:


I posted this in the first place as a simple but effective way to say "Thanks!" to a group of people making a positive difference in so many of our lives. One of my new goals in the New Year is working at being more appreciative and grateful for what God and others do in my life. This is a small way of honouring that for me and maybe for some of you. :)

Enjoy your 2004!


Thanks, you are the best

For many years I have collected every book on the suject of getting things done. I wouldn't rate any of them above a 2 (1 to 10 scale) but David Allen's System gets a 10.

Hats off to the David Allen Company!





I am sincerely grateful to DA and the team.....I don't quite have a mind like water but I am getting there.

I cannot believe how much I have accomplished since I started GTD, this includes moving into a new home in April that I thought would be 5 years in the future.

Yes, If you write it down, you will make it happen.

Bridgette :lol:


GTD Connect
I'm deeply touched...

For those of you who care, and particularly for those who have cared to communicate your thanks, please know that this is really major-league appreciated by me personally and by all of us who are working with distributing this information and education.

Let's go.



When I first implemented GTD I was writing positive reviews of it on the various internet forums I haunted. Now I've adapted to GTD and the enormous improvements it has enabled me to enjoy.

I have just finished reading Martin Seligman's book Authentic Happiness. For the last week, I have been privately writing daily for 5 minutes about the people, things, and events for which I am grateful.

I am glad this thread was bumped up for me to see again. For it has been a while since I have publicly expressed my appreciation for GTD. I've been doing GTD for half a year and I still have much upon which I can improve. But already GTD has been a real boon for me. I am on top of things at work to a degree that I never have been before.

I have tried keeping to-do lists on and off for years. They just never worked for me. I certainly never kept them going consistently for half a year. But GTD's a keeper. Now that I've enjoyed the power of my GTD lists, I can't imagine letting them get too stale.

I thank Dr. Joseph Mercola and his website for initially turning me on to GTD.

I bought the book, upon Mercola's recommendation, with a very large dose of skepticism. I assumed it would be more of the same. Little did I know that true genius lay within. I don't use the word "genius" lightly. It takes genius to look at what virtually everyone in the world looks at every day--their stuff to do--and invent for it a system to help them do it better. It takes a genius to find the Rosetta Stone without ever leaving the office. You want to make a difference? Look at your desk!

The enormity of the accomplishment is indicated by its scope. It's a method for doing virtually everything. It's up there with Arabic numerals in terms of its breadth of application and its potential for increasing efficiency.

So, thank you David Allen for changing my world. Right after I bought the GTD book I found out about Barnes and Noble University. Thank you Jason Womack for patiently moderating and instructing that class. And thank you, all forum participants, for the high caliber of your contributions and your generous efforts to help others use the system elegantly.


David Allen,

I've held off replying to this post because I wasn't even sure if you read the forums or not. In fact, I was telling Eric Mack in the Ready For Anything Yahoo! Group that it would really be nice if we could occassionally get a personal word from you. No sooner did I write that than I see that you are reading the forums!

Now that I know that you are reading what we write here, I concur with the others in expressing my heartfelt gratitude to you for writing your books and sharing your system with the world. I read GtD last December and I've spent most of this past year implementing it one step at a time (I didn't have two days to devote to it.) Now I couldn't imagine life without it. I think that most of the principles you teach have now become habits for me.

I've probably gotten the best return for my investment from your books than from any other book (except the Bible) that I have ever purchased.

Thanks again! Please keep the material coming!



Thanks DA & company! I can't believe how much less overwhelmed I feel and how clear my desk (diningroom table!) is - my husband keeps asking who's coming to dinner!

Thanks also to everyone who has posted answers to my many's great to have such a supportive group.


Just to add my thanks to David, all his colleagues plus all the people who post here.

I started trying GTD a year ago - I was totally overwhelmed after 11 months in a new job: overflowing emails, in trays, stacks of paper & feeling everything was out of control. Took me 2 months & lots of weekends to get into some sort of order.

I'm not there yet; in fact in some ways I have got lazy & need to refocus on some of the key elements. Yet my 200 item NA list keeps me sane! I work in a large multinational & try to pass on the hints, tips & system whenever I can - hasn't taken off yet but perhaps one day.

Equally importantly, my husband & I have implemented GTD at home. This is working beautifully - OK much simpler, fewer projects & action items but has reduced hassle & stress enormously.

To anyone still thinking about implementation - go for it! Even if you don't do everything you will still be taking steps towards mind like water.

Thanks again
best wishes

scott m

thanks from the next generation

David and associates,
I have been using your methods for a few years now, and it has made a huge difference in my sanity. I could echo what everyone else has said, but I have something additional to add. My 15-year-old's grades were in a downward spiral. He is bright, but unfocused. I tried GTD full blown on him a year ago, and it didn't take. I tried again 3 months ago with a highly simplified version, and it took.

Last night he told me that he didn't get it at first, and was just going along with it, but now he understood. He welcomes the reviews and the empty head it gives him. He welcomes the fact that he knows what he has to do -- all of it. His Latin teacher expressed amazement at the pile of work he turned in, and he was one of only 7 in a class of 25 that got his English book report turned in on time. That is the reward and the motivation for him. He still has the same amount of work, but now it doesn't intimidate him. It never seems bigger than it really is anymore. He goes out with friends with no gnawing sense of anxiety. The light in his eyes is why I am writing to express our deepest thanks for the gift your have given us. Your work has moved you well beyond success and into significance. Your legacy is all around, and growing everyday. Thank you.

For those interested, these are the parts of GTD my son uses. I do it
with him, and are committed to doing that until it becomes his own habit.
1) One sheet of paper that contains 3 lists: Projects, Next Actions
and Waiting For... (updated on computer and printed out)
2) One sheet of paper that contains his Someday/Maybe list
3) A paper calendar supplied by the school. He folds his lists in half
and uses them as a marker for this week in the calendar.
4) A daily review. We started doing it weekly, but too much was getting missed. The daily only takes 5-10 minutes (usually 5), and it gives him that squeeky-clean, empty-head, clear-vision feeling that is so rewarding.

Once we are done, I then back way off. As I tell him, he now knows what he has to do. I trust him to make his own choices with that info. He called me today to tell me he was done with his homework, and was going sledding. I can just picture his face. He is caught up and in charge, and he knows it. He will be sledding with nothing else on his mind. What a great feeling, and he owes it all to a man he has never met. Thanks again.


Another Heartfelt Thank You

I have been implementing GtD principles in my life for about 8 months now. I am so much more in control of my life, and my work. My boss thinks I walk on water!

Several months ago I encouraged my husband to read the book and see if anything clicked for him. We are now both avid practitioners, and our conversations are frequently sprinkled with "what's the NA?", "Are you taking this project or will I?" "Let me put that on my @Errands list", etc. He has, however renamed @WF to @NF (Nag Flag).

Recently, no fewer than THREE of my colleagues noticed my work flow diagram posted in my cubicle. Although they didn't have a clue about the GtD approach, they liked what they saw and borrowed the sheet to photocopy it. I was so pleased to follow up with them to give them the name of the book and tell them how it was the best $20 I ever spent. (One of the three is my boss - soon he will realize that it's my mind, not my feet, on water!)

Thanks again,

Claudia Straka