Seeking Insights on the Value of GTD Certification


I'm considering pursuing the several levels of GTD certification and would love to hear from those who have already completed it. Specifically, I'm curious about the real-world value and benefits of obtaining this certification.
  • How has the certification impacted your professional life?
  • Do you believe the investment in time and money is justified?
  • Are there any tangible benefits you've experienced that you didn't expect?
  • For those in different industries, has the certification helped in career advancement or provided new opportunities?
Any insights or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated as I weigh my decision.

Thank you in advance!
Hi, @thearcher,

I do not have personal experience with GTD certification, but I will give you my thoughts.

I spent a lot of time watching GTD Focus videos with GTD coaches. I found them fascinating! It might be useful to watch these videos, and if any of the coaches appeal to you, to get in touch with them to discuss their experience with GTD and your needs. You can find these videos at GTD Focus on YouTube. My experience is that the GTD coaches do not charge for an initial inquiry and that they are glad to help.

There is also a program through Crucial Learning that teaches GTD, and it is much less expensive. I took a free introduction to GTD from them as a recorded video, and it was good, but of course that is entirely different from individual personal guidance as provided by the GTD Focus coaches.

I have heard people here on the GTD Forum mention appreciated aspects of their individual sessions with a GTD Focus coach. You might find interesting information by searching for "GTD coach" here on the GTD forum

Best Wishes!

Edit: PS: I just remembered that some of the videos by the GTD Focus coaches are interviews with the person being coached. Each person goes into depth about their life situation and how coaching has impacted them personally and professionally. This might be particularly useful to you, since you are interested in learning the perspective of the person who is being coached or trained in GTD methodology.
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