First a couple questions:
. Are you a Team Lead who is responsible for implementing and investigating process?
. Is this a presentation to peers and are you trying to sell them on your gold mine of a discovery?
If the answer is 1, then just implement it and get everyone on board (this is what I did with my team, and we are loving it!)
If the answer is 2, I'd put together a proposal pitch of sorts which evaluates your existing Task system and defines its Pros and Cons, and then show off GTD and its Pros and Cons.
It's best to show by example how the GTD process could help in your typical day to day and Project Process. It usually takes a while for the light bulbs to go off in peoples heads when you are pitching a new process, because we've all cobbled together our own systems which work to an extent.
I am sure others will pitch in with advice.
So to reiterate:
1. If you are a team lead, go forth and implement the process with your team.
2. If it's for your peers, show them how you currently do things and how GTD can really improve things. I'd do a sample past project with GTD applied so it provides the necessary context for you and your team (it will be a great exercise for you at least to sharpen your skills even more)
3. Hip individual team members to the process in advance. Nothing beats having alliances before a paradigm shifting presentation. ;^)
Hope that helps.
-policarpo | GTD2CYA