Seminar Advice


Hi GTDers
I have been trying to implement GTD for the last 6 months and am seeing huge benefits in my productivity and ability to move things forward. I have read David's 3 books, although I know that I still have work to turn this into free-flowing habit and get the most value out of this.

I have the opportunity to go to one of the public seminars in London over the next few months, though getting the more expensive one charged through the company could be more tricky.

Can anyone recommend which of Mastering Workflow and Making it All work, I should aim to try to get on to? Any feedback on the seminars would be welcome

I bet your fellow GTDers on these Forums will give you some great advice. As a staff person and coach I can tell you the difference:

Making It All Work is much more strategic and broad. It's described as:
If you already have a good grasp on the basic GTD workflow models, and/or are looking for inspiration from David and a broader understanding of the whole game, you will get value from this course.

Mastering Workflow is much more tactical and specific about implementation. It's described as:
If you are new to GTD, or have implemented the system but are looking for tactical implementation advice, you will find this seminar to be a good launch pad for getting your GTD system off the ground.

Hope this helps!
