Shadow, checking off next actions and filtering


I'm using Shadow for my projects and DateBk5 for my next actions. But I see a little problem with that.
When I'm checking off a next action in DateBk5 this will checking also off the same next action in Shadow. But if that next action was the only child of a mother-todo in the project, this will also checking off the mother-todo. No problem, when it was the last next action for that project. But when the checked-off next action needs a new next action, then it will be a problem because the mother-todo is gone (because of filtering on unchecked items). Of course I can remove the filter, but this will give a view which makes it hard to search the checked-off mother-todo.
How do you handle this situation?


Try if this solves your problem:
Choose "Preferences" under the List menu (when you have an open list), click on the "Opt" button. Activate "Suppress autocheck" (this mean that checking off all items in a level will not check the parent, and that checking a parent will not check all children).
