Shortcut in Outlook 2002 (using XP)




The shortcut to categorize a note that David gives - <Alt-SPACE>i does not work in Outlook 2002 (with Windows XP). Does anyone know an alternative to using the mouse for this?

Thank you.


Hi Parshu -- The keystrokes should be working for you in Outlook 2002, unless you have some conflicting shortcuts established by other running programs. Just to be sure there is no confusion, you should be holding the "Alt" key down while hitting the "spacebar", then hitting the "i" key. Also this is for use when the Note is open, not when it is highlighted in table view.


FWIW I have the same issue. When I ALT-SPACEBAR I get the menu that is the same as right-clicking the window title (Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize, Close). Since there is no "i" command, the ALT-SPACEBAR-i does nothing.

The menu that has the "i" for categories appears when I left-click on the note icon in the upper left corner of a note. I don't know the keyboard shortcut to make this appear, but if I did, I could hit the "i" and get to categories.

Hope this helps someone find the answer.



Got it to work!

When I initially create a note and stretch out the 'box' I get the menu like Ken mentions above. If I then save the note, when I reopen it, then <Alt-Space>i works. Sometimes it takes closing the note and reopening...


Parshu & Ken -- Well you really sent us down a "rabbit-hole" with this one. After quite a bit of fussing around, I was able to duplicate the problem as both of you described. I also discovered, as Parshu described, that closing and reopening a Note seems to get the dropdown working as we would like. Ken has confirmed this with some experimentation on his machine.

Looking at it now, it is not surprising that there is some shaky behavior. When using this combination of shortcut keys, we are asking Outlook to act differently (in the case of a Note) than it, and Windows in general, acts in all other cases. With any other kind of Item inspector, "Alt + Spacebar" brings up that window's system menu. With the Note, we are asking it to bring up a contextual dropdown menu instead, but obviously it wants to bring up the system menu sometimes.

In any case, with the info gathered from everyone's experimentation, I've put together a little workaround. With the code listed below, you can create a new toolbar button, with the shortcut keys "Alt + o", that does the following:
  • If a Note Item is currently open or just selected in a Table view, then the code opens the Note and sends the necessary keystrokes to get the "Alt + Spacebar" keys working properly;
  • If some other kind of Item is currently selected, then using the button (or "Alt + o") creates a new Note and performs the keystrokes to correct the "Alt + Spacebar" problem.
So instead of double clicking a Note to open it, or using "Ctrl + Shift + N" to create a new Note, using "Alt + o" will do the same and make the dropdown workable.

To try the workaround, just copy and paste the code below into a new module in your VBA Editor. Run the NewNotesButton macro once to install the new button on your Standard toolbar. The button will then be functional.

Hope that helps. And thanks for pointing out this little problem -- consequently I've incorporated a little fix in the upcoming Outlook Outliner. Here's the code (as always, let me know if you need any help getting the code going):

Sub NoteMenu()
	    On Error GoTo PROC_ERR

Dim objApp As Application
	    Dim objItem As Object
	    Dim objNote As NoteItem
	    Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
	    Set objItem = GetCurrentItem
	    If Not objItem Is Nothing Then
	    If objItem.Class = olNote Then
	        SendKeys "%{F4}~", True
	        Set objNote = objApp.CreateItem(olNoteItem)
	        SendKeys "%{F4}", True
	    End If
	    End If
	    Set objNote = Nothing
	    Set objItem = Nothing
	    Set objApp = Nothing

	    Exit Sub

	    MsgBox Err.Description
	    Resume PROC_EXIT

End Sub

Function GetCurrentItem() As Object
	    Dim objApp As Application
	    Dim objSel As Selection
	    Dim objItem As Object

Set objApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Select Case objApp.ActiveWindow.Class
	        Case olExplorer
	            Set objSel = objApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection
	            If objSel.Count > 0 Then
	                Set objItem = objSel.Item(1)
	            End If
	        Case olInspector
	            Set objItem = objApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
	        Case Else
	    End Select

Set GetCurrentItem = objItem

Set objItem = Nothing
	    Set objSel = Nothing
	    Set objApp = Nothing
	End Function

Public Sub NewNotesButton()

Dim objCommandBar As Office.CommandBar
	    Dim objCommandBarButton As Office.CommandBarButton

Set objCommandBar = Application.ActiveExplorer.CommandBars("Standard")

With objCommandBar.Controls

Set objCommandBarButton = .Add(msoControlButton)

With objCommandBarButton

.Caption = "&Open"
	            .FaceId = 1758
	            .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
	            .TooltipText = "Click to Open Note"
	            .OnAction = "NoteMenu"
	            .BeginGroup = True
	        End With
	    End With

End Sub