Sleep and Productivity

I used to be a night owl. There was always one more thing to do or one more email to answer. But after reading about the power of sleep, I've tried to turn off the devices earlier and get more sleep. Its made a huge difference as I start every new day with more energy and find that I'm more capable of getting things done throughout the new day.

Here's an interesting article on how using our electronic devices can negatively impact sleep patterns.

How much sleep do you get? Are you an 'early to bed' or 'early to rise' person? Have you found that it has made a difference?
DaveInMilwaukee said:
How much sleep do you get?

In 2014: 22:00 - 4:44 (6:44 hours) - productive @6:30 after commute.

In 2015: 23:00 - 6:30 (7:30 hours) - productive @6:30 without commute.

DaveInMilwaukee said:
Are you an 'early to bed' or 'early to rise' person? Have you found that it has made a difference?

I like to think about myself "Master Of Time". I can fall asleep at 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 or 2:00. And I can wake up at 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00. It does not affect my performance. The only requirement is: enough sleep (about 7 hours).
TesTeq, I wish i could be a 'master of time'!! I find that I need 8 hours of sleep in order to function at full speed during the day.
Over the last few years, I've been very concerned about how much good sleep that I'm getting, and I've been measuring how much sleep that I get as well as trying different techniques to improve my sleep.

Recently, I read a book called Great Sleep! Reduced Cancer!: A Scientific Approach to Great Sleep and Reduced Cancer Risk by Richard Hansler. The main premise is that blue light from light bulbs and screens is bad for sleep and increases the risk of cancer due to suppression of melatonin production. The book is not particularly well written but does have numerous citations of studies.

I'm not sure that I believe the reduced cancer risk, but I did pick up a $15 pair of orange sunglasses (blue light blocking), and I've noticed an average increase of 30 minutes a night of sleep and more deep sleep (30-60 minutes according to my UP).

I find that i need quite a bit of sleep. Rising early or working late are no problem for me, but the combining of the two is. When I am in my regular work schedule I try to be in bed before 11 and get up at 6:45. I immediately notice the next day if i did not get my approx. 8 hrs of sleep. Maybe I'm being stubborn about it, but turning off screens in time or not does not seem to bother me to much.