Someday/Maybe or At Home?

I am a new user of GTD, and am struggling with where to list some of my projects.

For example, do I put "Clean out the basement" on my Someday list? or do I put it on my At Home list, since I can only do it at home?

Oh, another question: any recommendations as to where to put the physical "stuff" that goes with the Action Item? For example, my Errands list says "Mail CD to brother." Where do I put the CD until I get to the action? Do I need a basket for that stuff?

Many thanks in advance.
Do you intend to actually clean out your basement sometime soon or are you too busy and are merely capturing the project for another time (you've identified the need to clean the basement but can't do it yet). if it isn't going to happen then it's a someday/maybe otherwise you need to work out what the very next action is and add that to the appropriate context list. the project of 'clean out basement' is added to your @project list (not the @home list as that is for next actions only).

how long will it really take to drop that CD into an envelope and add your brothers name and address to it? less than 2 minutes? do it now then! otherwise you can add it to your project list and either drop the CD into the project support file or just put a note of it's location into the support file so you know where to look when your ready to post it.
TAC said:
I am a new user of GTD, and am struggling with where to list some of my projects.

For example, do I put "Clean out the basement" on my Someday list? or do I put it on my At Home list, since I can only do it at home?
This all depends on why you want to clean out the basement (and even IF you really want to clean out the basement!).
TAC said:
Oh, another question: any recommendations as to where to put the physical "stuff" that goes with the Action Item? For example, my Errands list says "Mail CD to brother." Where do I put the CD until I get to the action? Do I need a basket for that stuff?
The flippant answer is- where you can find it again! I try and file physical things alphabetically as much as possible. Obviously this is impractical sometimes, like it would not be wise to keep a CD next to a big bag of Compost that you've got a next action to fertilise the garden with. But you could file it within your other CD's which should be organised alphabetically, either in a CD tower or at the very least stacked neatly.
1. Basement goes to Project list with Next Action to Context list otherwise it goes to SM without any NAs;

2. CDs will go to project support folder (or action support as you like :)

darn good answer

Great answer, Eugene.

Borisoff said:
1. Basement goes to Project list with Next Action to Context list. Otherwise it goes to SM without any NAs.
2. CDs will go to project support folder (or action support as you like)

By the way, what names to you all use for "action support?" I like the former, but I have clients who are put off by those words. I also use "pending" and "holding," though they can have associations with other (less modern) time management systems.

cornell said:
By the way, what names to you all use for "action support?" I like the former, but I have clients who are put off by those words. I also use "pending" and "holding," though they can have associations with other (less modern) time management systems.


I have a bin to hold my "current projects". The idea of current versus someday/ maybe has been hard for me to implement, so the emphasis on current projects helps me.

Project support

Just curious why your clients know or care what you call your action support? I like Project Support or Action Support Materials.

It helps me to at least mentally think of "Projects" as "Open Loops" rather than Projects, because I come from a Project Management and Information Systems background, which has a different definition of a Project.


I meant "Project Support" for materials that support an open loop Project. I meant "Action Support" for materials that support a Next Action. Not either-or for a Project.
terminology can get in the way (i.e., language matters)

Hi darlakbrown. Thanks for the questions. First, I use the terms exactly as you do:
darlakbrown said:
"Project Support" for materials that support an open loop Project. "Action Support" for materials that support a Next Action. Not either-or for a Project.
Second, some clients just plain don't like the words "action support" for their folder. So I was looking for variations. But the concept is the same, and I always emphasize that the "action support" folder is just a place to put "one off" paper that serves a particular Next Action. It's just a way to keep from piling, and does not serve as an action reminder - the NAs do that.

cornell said:
Second, some clients just plain don't like the words "action support" for their folder. So I was looking for variations. But the concept is the same, and I always emphasize that the "action support" folder is just a place to put "one off" paper that serves a particular Next Action. It's just a way to keep from piling, and does not serve as an action reminder - the NAs do that.

I'm not sure I follow this. Are you saying that some of your organizing clients don't like calling folders in *their own system* "action support"? Or are you saying that some of your clients don't like seeing "action support" on "their" folder in *your* system?

If the latter, who cares? It's your system. Do what you want.

If the former, it's their system. Explain what the folder is for and let them pick the words that make sense to them.

When there's a physical item that goes with a next action, I put it in The Drawer. This is one of the many clear plastic drawers on and around my desktop, with a fancy label on it. It doesn't hold all project support materials--those have their own files or drawers. Usually items in The Drawer belong not to long ongoing projects but isolated NAs that are longer than two minutes. Examples: directions to the party next Saturday, the form about which I need to argue with the insurance company, a letter I want to answer. On the next action list, I put (D) after the next action so I know where the item is. This is working well.

Do Mi