SPAM Protection - What Do You use?

What sort of email spam protection do you use? What experience's of success do you have in getting rid of junk email (Outlook XP). Rules don't seem very effective. The crap I get is very irritating. :twisted: :evil:
Personally I'm deluged with Korean and Chinese characterset spam (spam emails in which the body of the email is written in Chinese or Korean). Recently someone posted to a mailing list to which I subscribe a great rule that catches 99.8% of this offal and deletes it:

If you use Outlook or any other mail client that lets you create rules
based on the contents of the message headers, and your're bothered by this strange species of spam, all you have to do is create rules that delete
messages that use no Latin character sets...Here's how you do it in Outlook
2002: In the program's main window, go to the Tools menu and select Rules Wizard. In the wizard window, click New. Select Check messages when they arrive, and click Next. Scroll down until you find the option. Labeled "with specific words in the message header." Click in the checkbox to the left of it.

At the bottom of the window you'll see a "rule description" with "specific
words" underlined. Click on that phrase, then enter the following:
charset="ks_c_5601-1987" -including the quotation marks. Click OK , then
Next and tell the wizard what you want the rule to do with the messages it
traps. Set any exceptions, name the rule, click Finish, then OK, and with
luck you won't see any more Korean spam.

Hope this helps,

I've recently purchased iHateSpam from Sunbelt Software. Works with Outlook and they also have a version for Outlook Express. So far I'm very happy with the product.

It has a feature which lets you report spammers with the click of a button which I use regularly!

It costs about $30 ... well worth it in my opinion when I consider the amount of time I was wasting clearing spam from my Inbox.

Re: SPAM Protection - What Do You use?

JERE said:
What sort of email spam protection do you use? What experience's of success do you have in getting rid of junk email (Outlook XP). Rules don't seem very effective. The crap I get is very irritating. :twisted: :evil:


Best spam protection I've ever used (and I've tried a lot of different approaches over the years). Will read multiple POP3 email inboxes at regular intervals (before it even gets to Outlook) and clean out the spam. Claims to be 99% effective on aggressive mode - that's certainly been my experience so far.

I have nothing to do with them. Just rely totally on the service now.

You can get to them at (which will give me a small payment if you like the service and decide to sign-up),

...otherwise you can go straight to mailshell via (if you don't think I deserve anything :roll: )
RE: Spam Protection

I use Pocomail as a mail client. It has built in spam filtering was does a good job. On top of that, I've implemented a white list system using the filtering capabilities that leaves 99% of the spam on the server, where I review it once a day for the occasional good email, and delete the rest without it ever getting to my PC. Also, Poco does not recognize javascript or Active X, making you immune from the viri that target Outlook users. Pocomail is available at . I think the license fee is $25. Well worth it in my opinion.
Re: Best Spam Program

bean said:
By the best - too easy to setup:

Developed by a programmer in New Zealand - too easy

NS, Canada

Agree on this one. Mailwasher rules. I couldn't do without it. Delete the spam while it's still on the server and before it ever gets to your machine. You can also bounce back any email message. Sure, it's probably never a real person that gets the bounce back but something about sending it back to them is satisfying... :)


It doesn't help with currently received spam, but when I sign up for a mailing list or have to provide an email address, I use Spamex to generate a disposable email address. (There are other services that do this as well.) If spam arrives at that address, I merely delete the address and the spam from that source stops.

I have been using Spampal with great success.

I use the Bayesian plug-in and it stops about 90% of all of my spam (I'm still tuning it). Bayesian is a new type of spam filtering. And best of all it is free.
Mail washer

Thanks for the tip --it works great.

Agreed, "sending it back" is gratifying 8)

I'm waiting to see how long it takes for spam to start going down .

I second the recommendation of PocoMail, and not just because of the excellent SPAM filtering - it's definitely worth a try!

Highly recommend Popfile

I highly recommend Popfile. It's a program that works with any mail program and does a fantastic job of detecting and filtering spam. It works by using a "Baysian" algorithm that uses statistics to figure out if an email is spam and it is rapidly growing in popularity.

You can find Popfile at :

And it's free!!!

I am frustrated by too much spam but I can't find any way to deal with it because I have an online Yahoo email account that lets me check email from anywhere. Unfortunately, since it is not a pop3 client like outlook or pegasus I can't use any of that kind of spam program. Anyone know of a solution? Yahoo offers spamguard and I use it but still get dozens of spam messages every day. I really don't think Yahoo wants to prevent spam. I looked into email bouncer recently and it looks promising, but also could just be another time-consuming program, and if it messes up I could miss important email for days.

Stll looking...
spam protection

I've been using Digiportal's Choicemail 1, and I have to say that not *one* piece of spam has arrived at my inbox since initiating its filtering system. This in contrast to several hundred junk emails per day (double that on weekends) arriving at my primary email addy.

You can see a demo at
Mailblocks or Bluebottle.

If you want to keep your Yahoo mail as your primary and still check mail via the web then Mailblocks is a good choice. I just signed up for it. $9.95 a year, but you get 2 years free if you sign up now. That comes with 12megs of space.

It will retreive your Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL mail for you and pull it into it's system. It even lets you pull in addresses from the other systems (address books and sent mail).

bluebottle is free but doesn't have quite the features of Mailblocks and I don't think it will get your Yahoo mail.

Since I've signed up for Mailblocks I haven't gotten a single piece of spam in my inbox.

I'm not affiliated with either one, I was just tired of looking in the junk mail folder incase there was a valid email in there.

- Mark (