Personally I'm deluged with Korean and Chinese characterset spam (spam emails in which the body of the email is written in Chinese or Korean). Recently someone posted to a mailing list to which I subscribe a great rule that catches 99.8% of this offal and deletes it:
If you use Outlook or any other mail client that lets you create rules
based on the contents of the message headers, and your're bothered by this strange species of spam, all you have to do is create rules that delete
messages that use no Latin character sets...Here's how you do it in Outlook
2002: In the program's main window, go to the Tools menu and select Rules Wizard. In the wizard window, click New. Select Check messages when they arrive, and click Next. Scroll down until you find the option. Labeled "with specific words in the message header." Click in the checkbox to the left of it.
At the bottom of the window you'll see a "rule description" with "specific
words" underlined. Click on that phrase, then enter the following:
charset="ks_c_5601-1987" -including the quotation marks. Click OK , then
Next and tell the wizard what you want the rule to do with the messages it
traps. Set any exceptions, name the rule, click Finish, then OK, and with
luck you won't see any more Korean spam.
Hope this helps,