I've never thought about splitting the weekly review along the lines suggested by treelike. I just started to run through the projects in one area of my outline tool, then stopped, and lateron started with the next area. What has the advantage that the last area gets the same attention as the first - after a long review I tend to be exhaustive and eager to finish the review as soon as possible.
But maybe, following your experience, the weekly review is a recurring project with a number of actions which can be checked off. Then it is part of the normal system, the parts (actions) can be done according to time, energy, etc., and it has to be ensured that the cycle has been finished within one week.
In my opinion, the weekly review is a means to get the things which are out of the head again into it to. That helps to get an overview. And I believe that it is important to keep this overview inside the brain - otherwise I always have the feeling not to be ahead of things. The system outside of the mind should contain the details and help me not to forget them - and to reinforce my general overview during the review. This sounds good - but it is also hard to achieve, at least for me with so little active reviews. Hope this improves now.
Thanks for your comments.