Sticky Posts

Sorry folks to take your time with this administrative matter. However, I'm afraid that my post in the "Sticky" post above may never be read. I'm merely suggesting that the "administrator" unstick this post so that we can get a clean view of the forum. Additionally, I would suggest that we all refrain from using this overbearing feature of forums like this one.

Regards.....Bill Kratz
Thanks for pointing that out, Bill. I kept wondering why that "sticky note" was there. I thought it was something that I did in my online profile.

Okay, is just me or are others tired of the d?!#@ "Sticky" at the top of this posting list. If I've just been getting up on the wrong side of the bed (entirely possible), then someone please tell me to relax. Otherwise, I hope that someone can figure out how to communicate with the administrator of this forum (I assume there is one) about unsticking that thing.

Relaxing in Mercer Island, WA.....Bill Kratz
Which side of the bed

No harm in sharing your feelings, I guess. Personally I have no problem at all with looking down the rest of the list; I feel the forum is handled well.

I'm not sure how it would be "cleaner" to have that thread somewhere else on the list. Sure it needs management -- if there were even half-a-dozen "Stickies" it would become problematic. But that's not the case.

From another point of view, the list is cluttered by three different posts from one person, complaining. Is there an address direct to the moderator? If not, I've always had a quick response writing direct to DavidCo.