So for the past year I've been cruising at 90 mph on a GTD high.
And using these strategies I manage to clear the decks so I can focus on a major project with a hard deadline.
And then I'm up to my eyeballs in the major project, and still keeping up to snuff on 40 other projects. I'd have had a stroke if I hadn't adopted GTD.
And then. . .
A consultant makes an unreasonable demand which will require a lengthy response, which I don't have to time to prepare. . .
And then the person who needs the project that I need the consultant for suddenly puts the squeeze on me. . . moving up the deadline, increasing the project parameters. And I don't even have time to sit down with them and explain why they can't do that to me!
And suddenly I have the constant queasy feeling I used to have all the time before I got on board with GTD!
I'm sure this happens to everyone in some way shape or form.
And using these strategies I manage to clear the decks so I can focus on a major project with a hard deadline.
And then I'm up to my eyeballs in the major project, and still keeping up to snuff on 40 other projects. I'd have had a stroke if I hadn't adopted GTD.
And then. . .
A consultant makes an unreasonable demand which will require a lengthy response, which I don't have to time to prepare. . .
And then the person who needs the project that I need the consultant for suddenly puts the squeeze on me. . . moving up the deadline, increasing the project parameters. And I don't even have time to sit down with them and explain why they can't do that to me!
And suddenly I have the constant queasy feeling I used to have all the time before I got on board with GTD!
I'm sure this happens to everyone in some way shape or form.