Suggestions for getting going again with GTD?


Fast tends to come with practice. Think of learning to write, or to speak a new language. Every word takes a long time. You stumble over words, grammar and the physicalities of forming a sound or moving a pen.
It will be similar with the act of GTD. You need to get used to the mental side, remembering sequences, questions to ask etc, as well as develop some muscle memory. Moving things out of your inbox, filing, writing your lists.

Give yourself time. I read somewhere that it takes 10.000 hours to master a skill. That's a lot of time. Be patient and keep at it. Would it help to maybe have a progress chart? You could track GTD related habits, or simply track the time you spend reviewing and maintaining your lists.


How Fast?

It is quite valid to challenge (as you have) my notions about what should be "automatic" or "fast." I heard David once describe going through a Weekly Review and his explanation sounds like "bim, bang, bong;" it is all addressed; the desk is clean and the in-box is clear. Now I understand that is David, the person who has years of working through this stuff. You are telling me GTD takes time. Several of your responses are helping me appreciate what is required here. Thank you.