Synq a Windows Mobile PDA with two notebooks

I have a PDA with Win Mobile 2003 and two notebooks: one at the office and one at home. And I have a hard drive (ZIV-drive) that includes all my Outlook data and that I always bring with me instead of notebooks. I mostly use PDA during the day and synq it twice with the notebooks by connecting the ZIV-drive: during daily review at home and when come to my office. When I try to synq the PDA with "the second" notebook it starts to double the information like contacts, apoointments etc. on the PDA inspite I use the same hard drive in the notebook (ZIV-drive). Maybe that's because of Activesynq? Does anyone know how to make one PDA work with two notebooks but with the same hard drive that keeps Outlook data?


You may get the answer from this Brighthand forum:

It appeas to address you issue, if it does not take a look around the Brighthand forums as they appear to have a lot of good information on PDA's.