Tickler files from David Allen Company: stand alone

I have a question regarding filing

David Allen suggests that you should place files standing up in the file drawers and nut putting them in hangers.

I have recently purchased the tickler files folders from the David Allen Company, but they keep sliding away, even when I use metal support that came with my filing cabinet.

Does anyone have experience with standing up files, and how do you keep them from falling?

Any suggestions will be helpful

I have always found it helpful to use hanging folders for my tickler file because they slide forward nicely. This might help keep the slick poly Davidco folders standing up. If you use one hanger per folder, it will keep things just as neat as if you only used a follow block.
re: Keeping Folders Upright

I use hanging file folders as well, putting one manila folder in each hanging file folder so I can remove them more easily. I also use this Metro Mesh stand to keep them all on my desk for easy access:

Attached files
You can buy L-shaped magnetic metal stands, that will keep your files in place.

Failing that, hardback books work well.
I just keep my extra blank manilla folders at the back of the drawer to keep the drawer full enough to keep all the files upright.

- Don