tip-use vhs tapes to hold up your files

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Here is a tip I think people may find useful. I still have my old filing cabinets for now ((2) non-HON 2 drawer cabinets)). They do not have the sliding back to hold up the files. Instead they have this v shaped wire contraption that does not do the job at all. I have tossed those and instead have put some vhs tapes in the empty space to effictively make my files stand up. This has worked well. It is easy to adjust the number of tapes and their orientation to accomodate the free space behind my files. Hope this helps someone.
Great idea! Especially when you have kids and about 14000 vhs tapes...
supplies to prop up files

i use my supply of blank recordable cd's to prop up my files for my small file drawer at home. at work, i use a couple of reams of letter-sized paper... i'll try the video tapes when i run out of supplies... :)