Top 10 Signs You're a GTD Disciple ....

Top Ten Signs You’re a GTD Disciple

10. While diving home from work, you have to pull over three times to jot it down and empty your mind.

9. You put your weekly review on a Someday/Maybe list. … NOT!

8. You go to McDonalds for lunch but – before ordering – you draw a mind map of what an ideal fast food meal would look and taste like.

7. You use your Brother P-Touch to label your kitchen drawers.

6. You actually know how to pronounce, Moleskine.”

5. You actually understand the workflow chart in GTD.

4. You know the difference between 40,000 and 30,000 feet perspectives.

3. You know that the “two-minute rule” has nothing to do with the conclusion of football games.

2. When you get together with friends, you say, “Show me your project list!”

1. After five minutes of foreplay, you pause and ask your partner, “What’s the next action?”
#12: You visit the GTD message board more than twice daily, post a reply at least half the time you go there, and you think that's normal behavior for everybody.
spectecGTD said:
#12: You visit the GTD message board more than twice daily, post a reply at least half the time you go there, and you think that's normal behavior for everybody.
#13: You intuitively sense that you should return a call ( @call) and then the person calls you back, first. (dang)