Transition from another planning system



I am wondering if anybody has transitioned out of the 'Covey' model of planning based on values/roles/goals/mission to the GTD method. What have been the challenges, pitfalls and learnings derived from the transition? What has been the experience moving from pen and paper to an electronic interface?


Professor of microbiology and infectious diseases
Other planning systems

Hi there,

I have struggled with the roles issue for some time now (see my other posts on contexts and roles). I am now using context categories via GTD and it seems to be working. I just spend a lot of time in my weekly review going over my major roles and making sure there is some sense of balance. SO, I have not abandoned the Covey approach at all; I have just integrated aspects of Covey into GTD. As another post today has indicated, these collective approaches are not necessarily anti-GTD. In fact, in many cases, they complement each other! :)



I combine the two & like outlining software to easily implement.
My top level items on the outline are Covey roles.
My next level down are projects within the appropriate role.
The third level in the outline are NAs.

I use Life Balance which allows you to assign a 'place' to each item. Places don't have to be literal, I use them as GTD contexts.

Life Balance's To Do view can show all next actions or filter by place(context).

I review both the Outline & To Do views during my weekly reviews. The Outline view gives me an 'above the runway' perspective. I use it to book my 'Big Rocks' for the coming week.

Other programs allow similar ways of tagging outline entries as belonging to a context.