Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and GTD

I’ve lived with the aftermath of traumatic brain injury, TBI, (my wife was injured in an automobile accident 2 yrs ago) and see how the “write it down” (Capture) and subsequent process, organize and review aspects of GTD can have a huge impact. Bob Woodruff’s television appearances and book have made me very aware of how prevalent these types of injuries have become as a result of the war – some estimate as many as 10% of our troops coming home suffer from TBI.

Does anyone know if there are any TBI therapies being developed which utilize the GTD methodology and if not, why? It seems that it could be a key component of recovery. Googling GTD & TBI yield no results. David Allen, if you are listening, I think you and your organization could make a real contribution in this area.

By the way, my wife is doing great and is continuing her studies at UC Santa Cruz and yes, GTD has made a huge difference in my life. Thank you David Allen for your “radical common sense”.
Incorporating GTD into my therapy!

I recently finished a speech-language placement in TBI at a hospital. I used a combination of FLYLADY and GTD to help me guide people through daily routines and daily planning.
I also use both of these systems myself to keep on track with my own routines and planning, so I speak with more authenticity and "real-life" experience when I recommend these systems. This makes it easier for people to believe it works, and takes the stigma out of using "memory aids".
Richard Love;46744 said:
Does anyone know if there are any TBI therapies being developed which utilize the GTD methodology and if not, why? It seems that it could be a key component of recovery.

Richard, first it's great to hear your wife is doing well and has returned to her university studies. I wish only the best for the both of you!

It's not the same thing but I am sole caregiver to my mother who has dementia (brain damage through heart disease/mini strokes) and looks like it may lead to full Alzheimers, so the brain and it's function has been of great interest to me.

Have done a ton of reading on the brain subject- have science background but I'm not a psych professional so you know.

On that note, there is a tremendous new book you may find of interest called:
"The Brain That Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge, M.D.You can find it at website. Sorry I couldn't link to it.
It describes the new findings and information on how amazingly plastic and regenerative out brains are including lots of info/case studies on traumatic brain injuries and successful treatments. Interesting websites mentioned as well. A well written, easily accessible education on the brain is embedded in all the information. Should be very apropos for the both of you.

About TBI and GTD----this part is opinion so take it for what it is-----
This doesn't answer your question directly about TBI and GTD but from all the info I've gleaned being a "student of the mind", I can see the benefits of the GTD system to assist our minds.
Particularly as you mentioned, writing everything down. There is the obvious point of not taxing the memory if you get everything down on paper, but there is also from previous reading the fact that our hand and the motor process of writing has unique advantages as it is very directly wired to our brain's memory/processing/learning systems. And better than keyboarding onto a computer which is once removed from that (very controversial statement in our electronic world –the computer does have other advantages though).
Also, GTD promotes use of mind mapping in the initial creating stages of the process which, used in the orthodox hand written/drawn Tony Buzan way, facilitates use of more of the brain by encouraging thinking about key words and suggests hand-drawn (don't need to be an artist to benefit) pictures connected to the key words ( using different colored pens too)--whole brain thinking which enhances creativity, memory, and learning for everyone's brains.

And it looks like all the rest of what you mention re: GTD's "radical common sense" has been beneficial so I second your motion.

All the best