How often do you use your computer?
My typing stunk a couple of years ago. Then I taught myself to position my fingers on the keyboard correctly, and forced myself to use my thumbs to hit the spacebar, and to use all my fingers to hit the letters - not just my 'pointer' fingers.
I taught myself where 'ASDF' and "JKL;" are. I then practiced G and H.
Once I was in the habit of doing that, I figured out the top line of the keyboard.
Then, I figured out the bottom row.
I was only looking down to hit the Shift key eventually. Later, I realized that I wasn't looking down for the shift key anymore.
Suddenly, I realized that I can touch type with fairly high accuracy.
I've had no real typing training, and found Mavis and similar programs way too boring.
So, for me, I just figured out the main principles and now it's all automatic.
I used to think that touch-typing was unattainable for me, but now I know how to do it without even thinking. It's fantastic!
If you use your computer all day every day, then just put your fingers in the right spot, and practice by doing your normal work.
I promise that it works. It's not a quick fix, but it certainly is a progressive improvement with little real effort or boring exercises.
Hope this helps,