use of calender

According to the Workflow chart, there are two calenders in GTD:

- incubate (date specific triggers)
- defer (for me to do, specific time)

Could anyone explain the difference?
In fact, I have only one calender I work with.
List of differences:

- defer means to do at that time, incubate reminds you merely. maybe you will do it, maybe you will re-organize, who knows? we will see. just remind me at that time.

- incubate in the tickler means: invisible. it is a difference if I see an upcoming event daily, because it is in the calendar and I can see each morning that it is coming in 8,7,..5...2.. days.. today! In the tickler it suddenly just pops out: oh yeah.

- defer can also be day-specific. The point is: you said you will do it at that time, against just being reminded.
Yeah there are 2 types of time specific reminders, actually maybe even 3.

calendar - stuff to do at exact date. It means start date and end date of an event are almost at the same time. It could only happen at exact time.

Tickler - stuff to be reminded of at some later time. Doesn't even have to actionable. also could be used to set up repeating actions or projects (which could have end dates too but not as tight as calendar, otherwise calendar is used)

Deadlines - also time specific, it's nice to have a list of all deadlines, could be combined with the project list.

everything could be kept in a single calendar but I find that it's best to keep them completely separate, besides in google calendar you can have multiple calendars and hide or show each one separately. I used it previously and it worked well.
I have only one calendar. I have colour coded my calendar so my work calendar is black, home stuff is purple, and FYI stuff (date related information and tickler items) are light green. I also have a context for deadlines so I can tell if something on my calendar is a deadline or an advisory due date.
The app I use for my calendar does allow me to filter, so if it is getting too busy I can filter for just work stuff/home/FYI.