Using gtd to get work done through others


I'm working for project based construction company most of the work got done through subordinates, colleagues, higher managers and even client or owner of the project. how may I use gtd system especially projects, next actions, ...etc to get tremendous amount of dynamic and continuously changing work I get things done efficiently if it all depends on others
I'm working for project based construction company most of the work got done through subordinates, colleagues, higher managers and even client or owner of the project. how may I use gtd system especially projects, next actions, ...etc to get tremendous amount of dynamic and continuously changing work I get things done efficiently if it all depends on others

The waiting-for and agenda lists. You may also want to master the art of writing things like “If I haven’t heard from you by Tuesday, I will assume you are fine with the proposed change.”
I would agree. Waiting for and agendas will be your best friend; but just having the list wont be enough. The keystone behavior that will drive your success is how you approach this in your meetings/conversations with staff.
Don't allow meetings to end without getting clear on action items and ownership decisions. Decide what will be done, by whom, and by what time. Then use the WF and Agenda lists to keep track of those decisions for future conversations. Just keeping a WF list and hounding people will be ineffective without the communication and transparency to set it up. Get really good at clarifying the committments others are making. Use questions like "so is [whatever] a realistic timeframe?" "when can i follow up on this?" and set hard follow up dates/check ins to create the cadence. People will catch on eventually.
Thank you, of course I can use WF and agenda lists but I want to be more proactive and initiative because in mega projects there are tremendous amount of work daily.As Jared said I can use meetings to enforce accountability, define due dates and next actions. May be the colleagues here have other techniques