After getting my AOFs sorted , I'm now wondering about using them to order the files on my PC and my browser favourites. has any one ever thought or succeeded in doing this ? I came up with this idea because i think its strange having everything in my GTD system orderly including the files I keep on my PC. But my normal stuff , such as spreadsheets i update and documents I collect are just like the support material for projects.
Being a commuter, i keep a bunch of bus and train timetable son my hard drive so i can look things up. I'm not quite sure where these would go because they're not part of a project unless i go for a trip. But if i don't then they are not part of any project. but I keep them because experience tells me they will be needed in the future. Any ideas anybody ?
Being a commuter, i keep a bunch of bus and train timetable son my hard drive so i can look things up. I'm not quite sure where these would go because they're not part of a project unless i go for a trip. But if i don't then they are not part of any project. but I keep them because experience tells me they will be needed in the future. Any ideas anybody ?