value of audio CDs low without transcripts

Hi Folks,

I received the CD "In conversation with David Allen - Peter Gallant" and I was surprised that there's no transcript included. I find that audio without a transcript is very low value due to the relatively low bandwidth of listening vs. reading. (Also, I spend very little time commuting, so I don't have extended "ears only" time.)

I'd like to request that you please spend a little of your income on providing transcripts for your audio content. (FYI I believe there are very reasonably priced transcription services available - Jason Womack knows about them.)

For me, this is pretty close to a deal breaker - I just can't allocate the down time listening to hours of audio. Maybe I'm in the minority here (hear?)...

That's exactly the opposite of where I am... I seldom have time to read this stuff, but I can listen while driving, while doing the dishes, while taking the dog for a walk, etc.

As they say, you can't please all of the people all of the time, right? :)

I think they've got a good mix... until they provide all of their written content in audio form, I assert it's unfair to ask them to provide all their audio content in written form. (kidding.)

--- JRJ
I don't have much more to say then I liked it. It was a breath of fresh air to sit and listen to someone talk about their system. I have been listening in the morning and in my car on the way to work. My commute is 15 minutes. I like this because I get it in small spurts that I can digest. Between the forums, the video seminar, and the CD, I have already gotten my money's worth. I can't wait to see what else is coming.
The right format for me

I really enjoy the GTD Connect CD's and podcasts as well as the video's and for me the format is perfect. Beside while driving I also enjoy listening to the CD's or watching the video clips during my workout time on our elliptical. Perfect times for me to listen, learn, and think about the provided information.
A transcript would be great added value! It would be nice to listen and read the interviews. Once listened to, I could go to the transcript, find areas that were particularly interesting, highlight them, digest them etc etc.

The pen is mightier than the disc? ;)

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the great feedback and suggestions here. I will add it to our Someday/Maybe list to include transcripts of these audio interviews. So far, most folks seem to be liking a lot of audio content (a few of you here mentioned drive time, and other odd listening-opportunities). But if it's more written information you're looking for, that is definitely something we are working on.

Stay tuned, more to come on Connect....

Written Transcripts

I second the value of more written material. Hard to take notes while driving and it would be nice to be able to copy a few crisp "Ah hah's" into personal notes for further reflection. I think the idea of transcripts OF audios is a great one: i.e., not an either/or but a both. Also, would probably be most beneficial for the longer audio sessions that would be expected to have a lot of good points that one would want to write down.
another vote for audio plus transcripts

bvkeen said:
I second the value of more written material. Hard to take notes while driving and it would be nice to be able to copy a few crisp "Ah hah's" into personal notes for further reflection. I think the idea of transcripts OF audios is a great one: i.e., not an either/or but a both. Also, would probably be most beneficial for the longer audio sessions that would be expected to have a lot of good points that one would want to write down.

I'll third that. Maybe have the transcripts come out a week or two after the podcast as a small incentive to listen to the conversation itself, rather than simply skim text on a page - as there is definitely value in hearing and not just reading.

But, for follow-up, note-taking, and reference, it's much faster to quickly skim text to look for the idea you know you're heard on some recent podcast somewhere, then to try to block the time to listen to the whole thing again.
Transcripts of audio

Why not post a transcript of the audios on the website to give an alternative way of accessing this information? Some like a mailed CD, some would just as soon have it as a podcast, some need a mailed transcript, others can print it. For the life of me I can't figure why GTD Connect would mail anything given the numerous ways data can be delivered electronically. Oh well, life must be good if this is the only concern I have today.
At first I was hesitant to listen in the car because I wanted to take notes. But, after I did listen, I realized that these aren't designed as lectures or seminars that require me to take out my notepad. They're rather informal, but highly informative. So, I took away plenty from the CDs after a listen or two. While I can see how some people would like a transcript, I can definately say that I would never use it.

And, I suppose part of that is that I hate reading transcripts. I spent most of July reading deposition transcripts and I'm just not into it.
A YES vote for transcripts...

I have just listened to all the podcasts available to date and now realize that transcripts would be invaluable. There are alot of conceptual and specific stuff that I would like to capture after a listen by going through a transcript with a highlighter - then capturing next actions for myself...
VARK Learning Styles

*grin* It is fun to watch GTD|Connect members exemplify the various learning styles and preferences - VARK = Visual, Auditory, Read-Write and Kinesthetic, nice!