Waiting For vs. Agendas

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Hi there --

I am new to the GTD system but I am so so thrilled about it! My question is -- say you hand off something to your boss, such that you are now waiting to get it back from them. Would you put this on your Waiting For list, or on your agenda list for your boss? How exactly do folks here use their agendas -- to just list things they need to talk to the person about?

Thanks so much for your help,

Since you're new to the concepts/ideas of GtD and in the beginning stages of creating your system, I would recommend you put that kind of stuff on Waiting For...as that is something you are expecting from some outside force. The Agendas should be treated as the list where you create items to discuss with that other person, which may or may not create additional NAs and WFs. :-)
Waiting For vs. Agendas

lilmagnus wrote:
Since you're new to the concepts/ideas of GtD and in the beginning stages of creating your system, I would recommend you put that kind of stuff on Waiting For...as that is something you are expecting from some outside force.

I agree. The only time you would use the agenda would be if you intended to ask your boss about the delegated item the very next time you saw them.

emilyr wrote:
How exactly do folks here use their agendas -- to just list things they need to talk to the person about?

I use agendas to list everything I need to do with a person or at a meeting. This would cover:
- information to deliver
- questions to ask
- things think about
- decisions to make
- physical actions to do