Ways to introduce GTD in the work place

I've always wanted to introduce GTD in my workplace. I've brainstormed a few ideas, and listen to some the Connect one on one interviews. Some people have started book clubs and intro meetings to GTD (PPT). I heard some where its just " you gotta read this book by David Allen, order 10 copies now". For me personal my personal, some people at work just noticed that I get a ton of work done, on time (all thanks to GTD) and that got a bit of their attention. Just wondering if anyone else would like to share their experiences in bring GTD into the workplace.
People have to be ready and open to the change

I think the best way to do it is to live by example. When people see the positive difference they'll start asking you "what's your secret?" That opens the door to tell them about it and suggest they read the book.

Don't get too crazy about spreading it around to people who aren't ready for it. GTD is a lifestyle. People won't adopt a new lifestyle until they are ready for change.