webinar help


Simplicity on the far side of complexity
Can't get into the webinar, Citrix says I don't have the right system requirements but I do
Can I at least get a recording of the webinar now that I've missed out?
Thanks Barb - knew there was an email but couldn't find it.
Anyway Kari contacted me, and her suggestion to try another web browser worked - Google Chrome managed it ok. Must be some settings in Internet Explorer blocking the downloads.
Suelin23;107786 said:
Thanks Barb - knew there was an email but couldn't find it.
Anyway Kari contacted me, and her suggestion to try another web browser worked - Google Chrome managed it ok. Must be some settings in Internet Explorer blocking the downloads.

Did you miss any of it (besides the opening logistics info)? Please let us know if so.
I missed 45 minutes of it, and only caught the last bit - Kari emailed me and offered to transfer me to the next scheduled webinar, so I'll catch it again