Webinar Suggestion - GTD Meetings


I couldn't find a previous webinar on this topic, so I'd like to suggest a future webinar on the topic of GTD and Meetings. Meetings feel like the bane of my existence sometimes, so an in-depth look at GTD best practices surrounding them would be helpful.

Any specific content related to how to deal with a boss who is essentially "addicted" to meetings (e.g., hours of standing meetings each week, meetings scheduled for 2 to 3 hours at a time, hour+ meetings that include people who can only get or give five minutes of value) would be helpful, too.



5 reasons for a meeting

I wish I could remember where it was, but there is a GTD paper somewhere about "5 reasons for a meeting." I used it to introduce a rather important meeting last fall, to great effect -- talking about decisions, information, and what I renamed the "warm and fuzzy" aspects of meetings. I agree: more on meetings would be great!


ProfessorSue;86037 said:
I wish I could remember where it was, but there is a GTD paper somewhere about "5 reasons for a meeting." I used it to introduce a rather important meeting last fall, to great effect -- talking about decisions, information, and what I renamed the "warm and fuzzy" aspects of meetings. I agree: more on meetings would be great!

I believe the GTD paper you are referring to is this one:


It would also be good to discuss how to take notes in the meeting.
I tend to take long notes, but often find this prevents me from engaging in the discussion.
I've been reading Tony Buzan's Mind Mapping book, and he recommends mind mapping the meeting. I haven't tried this, but would be interested in hearing on the best ways to take notes but still be fully engaged in the conversation, from both the perspective of a normal attendee and the designated minute taker.


Kelly | GTD expert
I am putting together a webinar on April 1st with Danny Bader, one of our senior presenters, on GTD & Meetings.

Keep the suggestions coming on anything specific you'd like us to address around this topic.



Excellent. A couple of suggestions:

1. How can we make sure meetings start on time?

2. How can we keep meetings flowing without bogging down? (Answers may/will differ depending on whether you are running the meeting or just a participant.)

3. How can we deal with the meeting hog? (That is, the person who rambles on for his/her own reasons, and won't stay on topic or just repeats what's already been said.)

4. How to take good notes during the meeting. (Raised in an earlier post in this thread.)

5. How to make sure next actions are determined and assigned to, and accepted by, the right people. (Should someone be assigned the task of circulating an email to all participants -- and other stakeholders -- listing the decisions made and next actions assigned? Sort of like minutes, but not quite so formal.)

6. Suggestions on how to develop good agendas and conduct meetings. If you're the one calling the meeting, how can you describe the purpose of the meeting and set an agenda that makes sure you address the issues and come up with clear projects and next actions.

These are just off the top of my head. I'm sure we could all bury Kelly and Danny with our suggestions! (Now they have to go off and have a good meeting with each other to come up with an agenda of the things to cover, and come up with next actions for each of them so they get things done!!!)




Also, for the designated minute taker, what works best, having a laptop, pen & paper or using an iPad to take notes?
Or the digital pen livescribe? or any other technology gizmos?


Kelly | GTD expert

Your wish has been granted. We just posted a new webinar on March 31st on Productive Meetings. The sign up link is on the home page of Connect.

Thanks for the great idea!



Another Topic Suggestion for Webinar


I have been a GTD Connect member for several years, but feel like I'm just beginning to really leverage the use of the Intention Journal. I know David talked quite a bit about it in some of his webinars quite some time ago, but I don't think there's ever been one dedicated to it. Though its use is so wide-ranging for each individual, it would be helpful even if a couple of aspects could be discussed on how it can be used strategically in making certain desired GTD behaviors stick.



Omnifocus & mac gtd functions

I know there is an interview w/Omnifocus founder & paperwork designed to facilitate GTD work w/Omnifocus. Would find it helpful to see webinar dedicated to the tool & perhaps usage w/iphone app as well. Always curious about other current Mac tools being used for GTD as well.

Thank You


Kelly | GTD expert
Thanks Duffman An OmniFocus webinar is on the list.

The tricky thing for us with iPhone is that we do not have a vetted application that we can show for Tasks, other than OmniFocus (for those who use that tool). It's so unfortunate (in my opinion) that the iPhone was built without a native Tasks app. We are much more inclined to show people how to use a tool in its original form and features than ever tell people they need to buy add-on software to make it work. And, our vetting process is so extensive that vetting apps comes few and far between.