Weekly review: best practice

I'm about to make my second weekly review. My first review was easy. I was taking one project at a time, defined a next action and put it on the list. The second review is difficult because a week passed and there's a mix of new actions without projects. My intention is to move ALL next actions and projects to Someday-Maybe list. Then to startfrom the scrach putting a project on tge list and assigning a next action for it. Or updating next actions. It makes me feel in control.

It's not how davidco recommends to do the review?
I've never seen this recommended, but if it works for you, go for it! I can imagine it might get a bit cumbersome if you have a lot of projects, but you can always tweak it at that stage.

Another option is to give each project an abbreviation (or a number or a keyword) and then use that abbreviation in the name of the NA. That makes it easy to see at the WR whether each project has a NA and which NAs haven't been assigned to projects (especially if you keep your lists electronically and can use alpha-sort or search to group everything that has the same abbreviation together).
Really, what you're trying to accomplish with the GTD Weekly Review, is to get to be as:


as you can. You'll find the recommended steps in the book and in many resources on GTD Connect. If what you describe is getting you to that place, in a way you feel gets you clear, current and creative, then sure.