Customized Weekly Review
Along with the items on the checklist in the book, I have added another item -- coupons (non-grocery ones, the ones for the grocery store stay in the kitchen). I keep them in a folder. For email coupons I have a label for them in Gmail. So on my checklist I have "Check coupons for expiration" (for the folder), and "Gmail - Check coupons for expiration".
For Someday/Maybe and Waiting For items I have four possible places each, so, for example, I have "Review Waiting for List" (that's a list of items on paper), "Review Waiting for Folder" (that's a folder where I put papers, such as copies of rebates, etc), "Mac - Review Waiting-For" (that's a folder on my Mac, actually an alias on the desktop where I drag pdf's of online orders, etc.,), and then I have "Gmail - Review Waiting For" (for emails I've labeled Waiting For). I have the same list items for "Someday/Maybe".
Also, below "Loose Papers into In Basket" I have a list of where to check for notes, "Purse, Planner, Jeep, Notepads by phones".
A couple of non-GTD items but they are at the end of the list: Clean up iMac Desktop and Run MainMenu tasks (routine Mac utilities). These could probably go in the tickler file, but it's working well to do it at the end of the review, I'm ready for a break and I just let the utilities run.
So it's basically a list like in the book, but broken down to be more specific where everything is, plus an additional item (Coupons) and a couple of post-review items to keep my Mac happy.