What does the Podcast include?


Maybe this question has already been asked, but I couldn't find anything with the search function... According to https://secure.davidco.com/connect/podcast-howto.php the podcast includes many of the files in the Audio & Video Library. I guess that would imply that not everything is included in the podcast. Is there some sort of logic to what is in the podcast and what is not?


From what I've seen...

Off the top of my head, from when I was looking at it awhile back, the podcast feed in iTunes seems to pull everything except the sessions from the GTD Summit and some of David's lectures. All of the webinars, all of the In-Conversation interviews, Getting Started with GTD and the GTD Slice-of-Life interviews and the Up Close with David conversations.

The easiest way may be to set it up for download in iTunes, then once the link is properly established, select "get all" and see what you get.

But someone from DavidCo staff will definitely have a more authoritative answer. :)