What's the best book to introduce and interest someone in gtd in your opinion?
There are 3 gtd books by David Allen overall and I read them all but would like your advice too.
It's not important that the person who reads the book actually implements gtd system completely Right away and I think it would be too much for him if he would attempt it all at once.
I think a successful outcome would be if the person would at least get the idea and become interested and also implement some habits such as capturing. Hopefully it would plant a seed and eventually he would implement other habits and maybe even complete gtd system.
So what book would You suggest?
There are 3 gtd books by David Allen overall and I read them all but would like your advice too.
It's not important that the person who reads the book actually implements gtd system completely Right away and I think it would be too much for him if he would attempt it all at once.
I think a successful outcome would be if the person would at least get the idea and become interested and also implement some habits such as capturing. Hopefully it would plant a seed and eventually he would implement other habits and maybe even complete gtd system.
So what book would You suggest?