Everything is hard for me in GTD.
Collecting is only part that mostly works. Still there is too much outside the inbox. And Often I resist adding stuff to inbox because I'm not sure when it gets processed. So stuff accumulates to my inbox. My home is big chaos. I currently work as part time IT assistant, so I have much free time. Unfortunately I don't have much money.
I'm trying to process the stuff as much as I can, but results are occasional. Sometimes I get everything processed. Then it's momentary bliss.
My organizing suck. I have a filing system, but it sucks, so I'm resisting archiving. I tried to a manage my lists with binder and paper lists, but that was a bit too much work, because I'd have to carry a big binder every where. Now I'm trying to manage my lists with my iPhone. Problem is that I don't have internet connection in home (or in my iPhone, so I have to use mail.apps notes function to manage lists. This seems to be working better than huge paper planner. But only time will tell the truth.
Because all problems mentioned above, my weekly reviews don't work well. Although I have finally managed to build a habit for weekly reviews. It helps me a lot.
One positive note is that I have working tickler file.
Hmm.. Writing this has been very enlightening experience. I have done it all wrong from the beginning. My house is my inbox.
1) Start all from beginning.
2) Collect all stuff at home to one big in-basket
3) Start processing inbasket. Most stuff will probably end up in trash, so maybe I can get quick positive results.