What size are the David Allen Traveling File Folders?


Hello GTD Fans,

I'm interested in the Travelling File Folders available from the DA Online Store.

I've just read that, quote "The file folders are letter size."

Could anyone possibly tell me exact size of them as I've a feeling they'll not fit in my UK/Metric sized expanding file folder that will accommodate A4 documents but not Foolscap size documents!

I know the dimensions for letter size, but not sure how much bigger DA's folders are to accommodate letter size documents.

Many thanks for any feedback - it's very much appreciated!

Best regards,


What's your very next action?... @Town: Visit stationey shop - buy A4 manilla folders.


Standard US Letter size folders are 11 7/8" wide x 9 1/2 " tall including the tab height. (30.1 x 24.3 cm). DA's could vary a little from that.


Senior Associate, Next Action Associates
A4 Will Fit

Given A4 is approximately 8.27" x 11.69", sheets of A4 should fit in the traveling files just fine.


It's good to know A4 will fit in the folders. I think the original question was whether or not the folders would fit in an existing portfolio that will hold loose A4 sheets.

Can anyone who has the folders measure them to confirm their size and that they are not larger than 11 7/8" wide x 9 1/2 " tall including the tab height. (30.1 x 24.3 cm)?


Size matters

Just checked them and they are 11.75 inches long (29.6 cm) and 9.5 inches high (24.2 cm) including the tab.



Thank You!

Sorry about the delay getting back to you all, I've not been @Online for a while, instead I've been out and about cranking widgets!

Thanks for all the replies and feedback, it's very much appreciated.

I'm pleased to hear that A4 will fit in the folders, but I should have been more clear in my original post, in that I was wondering if DA's folders would fit in the A4 Sized 6-Part Expanding file folder I've just bought to organise my files when out and about.

Here's the item in question! :


Thanks to the feedback from yourselves I've now got more than enough dimensions to check this out when I'm back at home and can compare them.

Incidentally, I was at a meeting yesterday, using the above expanding folder for the first time, neatly labelled with Inbox, To File, Action Support, Ongoing/Reference, Read/Review, Projects etc.

As the meeting was drawing to a close, the MD of all people, points to the folder as I'm putting files back into it and he says to me "That's a neat thing... I like that... where did you get it from?... that's cool! Yeah I like that!"

And I thought no one else noticed such things!

Thanks again - this is a wonderful resource!

Best regards,
