Where is David Allen?


It may not be a topic for the public forum but does anybody know what happened to David Allen's blog? Why is there so little input on the public forum from the Davidco coaches and David himself. This is in no way intended as critiscism; only curiosity.


David announced recently that he was suspending his blog. As I recall, his reasons are not atypical. Many people, myself included, have found that blogging is not the most effective use of their time.


New DavidCo office! - David's most important project now.

You can find the new information from David in the http://www.davidco.com/whatsup.php section of the main website.

David said:
GTD spaces out

Back in January of 2005 our global headquarters were still located in the cottage behind our house in the east end of Ojai. To handle the growth coming at us, we leased lovely office space in a commercial/residential area close to downtown Ojai, which has been handy for our now sizable office staff. But the trick was to be able to have just the right kind of space, and do it the way we want it, and own it if possible. So, it turns out we were able to get one of only eight parcels of the only undeveloped business property left in the town of Ojai. Now it's a big item on my Projects list: move in.

As seems to be our nature, we regularly hop into projects we've never done before, and commercial building, from the ground up, is certainly in that category. And trying to figure out what we'll need in the future, without creating something unwieldy for the present, adds an interesting dimension.




TesTeq said:
You can find the new information from David in the http://www.davidco.com/whatsup.php section of the main website.

WOW!! We use to get personal insight into productivity. Now we are getting an update on the corporations new commerical property development.

No, DavidCo will never cease to be a grassroot movement and become a corporate entity seeking our dollar.

Hey it's not like they have plans to charge for parts of their website.


Max said:
Hey it's not like they have plans to charge for parts of their website.

Actually, they are developing a new part of the site for which they will charge a monthly fee. It just hasn't been announced here yet.