WHY the label maker?


Just saw some pictures of people's tickler files. They are very nice. They are neatly labeled with a label maker. When I made my tickler file, I wrote out days and months on manila folder tabs.

I have neat (and some say artistic) handwriting. I've switched off digital systems to paper a few times, and I think it's because I like the look of handmade notes and doodles. When my next actions start becoming more scribbled than carefully written, it's a barometer for how busy I am and an indicator that I need to slow down and refocus.

I have a label maker, and it is a fun toy. I label many folders at home. But as long as your handwriting is legible, what is the theory behind the label maker?

It seems less efficient to me, as it takes me longer to make a label than to write.

Mark Jantzen

Not Sure Why But It Works!

A big part of GTD is getting your system to attract and not repel. That goes for how you organize your lists and also the general reference filing system.

The end result is a home for reference stuff that helps clear the deck for focusing on actionable things but handy and available (and attractive) when needed.

I don't know why it works but it does for me! I though the labeler idea was stupid until I tried it. Wow was I wrong.

- Mark


Mark Jantzen;70217 said:
A big part of GTD is getting your system to attract and not repel.

Cojo - It's all about personal preference. For David Allen he found that the labels were the most attractive choice. I have terrible handwriting so this is the only thing that ever got me filing. For you, labeling and writing is probably the least path of resistance and the most likely way you will file (and probably cheapest and greenest too) Any chance you can post any pictures of some of your beautifully written tabs?


Another point to add.
If you work at a company and have to turn a file over to someone else or take a file into a meeting, it's just much more professional.

I use a dymo labeler attached to my computer. I open up the application and print directly to the printer in less than 10 seconds.


Labels are fun

For me first off my handwriting is terrible but more important is that labels are fun, so I am more likely to use the files and do them properly. SO the labeler makes sense.

Plus it's a larger font with thicker lines than I can write so it easier for me to read even if I don't have my reading glasses on.